Finishing the body shell
After the body shell and body parts had dried and, although the genuine Trabant paint is an acrylic enamel, it dried up pretty quickly.
The wet sanding and polishing could now start, I started off with 4000 grit paper and finished off with 12000, and then used different grades of automotive polishes to get the mirror finish that I was after.
Before fitting any of the parts needed to finish the body, I started work on the trim pieces that run along the top of the wings and doors. After thinking for a while on how I was going to do this, I settled on using aluminium Bare Metal foil.
After that was burnished down and trimmed to size I used black flat edged artists paint marker to run along the top to replicate the rubber trim.
Remainder of the body
The rest of the body could now be built up, which starts with the bonnet and boot lid being held in place with masking tape.
The dashboard was fixed into the inside of the body – there are two slots moulded into the inside of the body for the dashboard to slide into. I had to open up the holes slightly and then fixed it permanently using 5-minute epoxy glue.
The boot interior fixes into a slot moulded into the body that is later hidden by the rear number plate surround, and also glues to the underside of the rear parcel shelf.