Price: £35.75 (or less)
Availability: Excellent, Hannants and all major model shops and mail-order retailers or under- the-table at a Club Meet or Show
Buildability: Excellent for any skill level
Value: Excellent
Review By Les Venus
Background to the Project..
I got to thinking that it’s too easy to get sucked into our fantastic hobby and as a result spend weeks and months on projects. Guilty as charged and do you know what, I love it. The trouble is we all have really busy “real lives” and sometimes the prospect of getting back to that big build or big project is just too difficult and so we put it off and before long modelling can become a chore.
So here’s the deal. I reckon that it’s possible to just have fun in modelling. To build a good model, not get bogged down in researching the detail – the worry of the perfect model and yes just have fun like it used to be when we started. So I thought let’s give it a try. I put the idea to Geoff who promptly stole it and said we can call it the Weekend Warriors! ™……you have 24 hours to build a model of your choice. Yes he is that hard!
Now don’t tell Geoff but it’s actually possible to build something in less time but I decided to choose a subject I’d not tackled before and therefore put added pressure on to show that whatever you decide to do it can be done and with a lot of fun to boot.
Anyway I had a Tamiya Challenger 2 in the loft and decided that was going to be the project for the project………….well you know what I mean!
So what do you get?
- A great lid/tray box with inspirational picture of a great looking tank
- Superb quality parts that fit like a glove
- Excellent instructions that don’t need a PhD to read
- All topped off with a great decal sheet. To me these were key to taking on this project and so without further ado let’s get going: